Discover Ichiran Ramen’s Flagship Store: A Culinary Pilgrimage to Fukuoka’s Nanokawa

Discover Ichiran Ramen's Flagship Store: A Culinary Pilgrimage to Fukuoka's Nanokawa

Ichiran, known nationwide for its tonkotsu ramen, is now a familiar name across Japan.

Although personally, I’m not too impressed due to its rather expensive pricing—a single bowl of ramen costing nearly 1,000 yen—and overpriced cup noodles that enforce pricing on retailers, it still has many fans due to its nationwide chain of stores. It’s also very popular among international tourists.

Ichiran started in Fukuoka, and its very first store still exists in Fukuoka. Not the original Ichiran founded in 1960 in Sawara Ward, Fukuoka City, but the first store opened by the current operator who took over from the founder.

This flagship store is the Ichiran Nanokawa store, located in Minami Ward, Fukuoka City.

Since I live within walking distance, I decided to check out what this flagship store is like!

Access and Basic Information about Ichiran’s Birthplace, the Nanokawa Store (Flagship Store)

The Nanokawa store, which is now considered the birthplace of Ichiran, is located in Nanokawa, Minami Ward, in the southern part of Fukuoka City.

It takes about 25-30 minutes on foot from Tenjin, so it’s better to use public transportation such as buses, taxis, or Nishitetsu trains.

It’s a 3-minute walk from the “Nanokawa” bus stop on the Nishitetsu bus line, or a 7-minute walk from “Hirao Station” on the Nishitetsu Tenjin Omuta Line.

There is also a parking lot for about 10 cars located a few shops away from the store.

**Basic Information about Ichiran Nanokawa Store**

Store Name Ichiran Nanokawa Store
Phone Number 092-523-8606
Address 2-2-10 Nanokawa, Minami Ward, Fukuoka City, Fukuoka Prefecture
Business Hours 10:00 AM to 5:00 AM the next day
Closed None
Web Official: Nanokawa Store|Shop Information|Natural Tonkotsu Ramen Ichiran

The Atmosphere of the Original Ichiran, the Wooden Nanokawa Store

Here is the first store of Ichiran operated by the current management, the Nanokawa Store.

While most Ichiran restaurants are usually located on the 1st floor of buildings, the Nanokawa store, being a bit away from the center of Fukuoka City, is a single-story wooden building. Truly fitting for the flagship store.

However, this building was not the original structure from the time of the first store’s opening but was reconstructed.

At the front of the store hangs a large noren curtain marked with “Founded in Showa 35,” “Birthplace of the Store,” “First Store.”

However, Ichiran was originally founded by Sadayuki Nakahara in 1960 in Sawara Ward, Fukuoka City.

The current operator, who was granted the Ichiran brand, opened this Nanokawa store in 1993. So pairing “Founded in Showa 35” with “Birthplace/First Store” can be misleading.

I used to wonder about the term “natural tonkotsu” as if they were hunting wild pigs… but I found an explanation in the FAQ on the official website.

Q. What does “natural tonkotsu” mean?

A. Our “Natural Tonkotsu Ramen” uses only soup extracted from 100% pork bones. The term “natural” is used to denote that it is pure “tonkotsu soup,” made without any instant pork bone extracts or similar products.
Natural Tonkotsu Ramen Ichiran

Essentially, for Ichiran, “natural” means they genuinely make their pork bone soup without taking shortcuts with commercial soups.

As of January 2023, the price of ramen is 930 yen. Quite expensive… Without much in terms of toppings, and considering the chain’s scale and cost-cutting potential, this aggressive pricing might be part of a brand image strategy.

Next to the ticket machine are signs saying “Ichiran, the Origin” and souvenir cup noodles are on display.

Original Taste-Concentration Counter and Order Sheet

I went during a weekday off-peak time, so it was reasonably quiet, but on weekends, you often see lines. It’s best to avoid busy times like midday, nights, and holidays when visiting.

Ichiran’s signature partitioned “Taste-Concentration Counter” is a common feature, but rarely found in other restaurants.

The original order sheet, a rarity outside of Ichiran. As someone who loves scallions, I marked both “white scallions” and “green scallions” for my order.

While waiting for my ramen, I read some fun facts about Ichiran displayed above me.

It’s been a while since my last visit to Ichiran, but now you can express up to four types of requests on a plate, not just additional orders.

In my memory of Ichiran, while waiting for ramen, they used to serve boiled eggs, whether you ate them or not, and behind the seats, there would be a line of pocket tissues that some part-timer (?) couldn’t distribute… When did that stop?

Enjoying the Usual Ichiran Ramen at the Flagship Store

While I was checking the restroom, the ramen I ordered had been served.

“If it’s cooled down while you were away, we will remake it,” was the polite note included.

The familiar Ichiran ramen with a light brown soup, thin noodles, scallions, chashu, and the red secret sauce.

The soup is… yes, ordinarily delicious. The consistent taste of Ichiran nationwide.
It seems that being at the flagship store doesn’t particularly change anything about the ramen itself.

Ichiran’s noodles are among the thinnest in the tonkotsu ramen world.
They soften quickly due to the heat, so if you prefer your noodles firm, it’s best to eat them promptly.

The thinly sliced chashu comes in two pieces.
It’s more moist and less dry than I remembered, which is good.

The secret spicy sauce changes the flavor if mixed in all at once, so it’s recommended to eat some of the ramen as is at first, then gradually mix in the sauce as you go. This is also explained in the official eating method.

Back when I was a frequent visitor to Ichiran in my freshman year of college (around 1998), it was common to order extra noodles and drink all the soup. But now, considering my health, I usually refrain from drinking all the soup. The phrase “This one drop is the greatest joy” still seems to be in place.

How Many Rolls of Toilet Paper Does Ichiran Nanokawa Store Have?

Ichiran is famously known in some circles for its “never-run-out toilet paper.”

At the flagship Nanokawa store, I checked the restroom and yes, there were plenty of rolls—a total of 12.

“The large number of toilet paper rolls” also started with this Ichiran Nanokawa store.

The fact that the holders are deliberately scattered adds a touch of commitment. It’s more interesting and photogenic than if they were neatly lined up.

The record for the most rolls installed is apparently “28” at the Fukuoka Shingu store.

The record for the most installed is “28” at the Shingu store (Fukuoka Prefecture). That’s overdoing it!
“Absolutely will not run out of toilet paper, absolutely” – Ichiran’s restroom filled with madness and laughter is a topic of discussion – Netorabo

Another notable feature was the handwashing station where the water outlet is integrated into the faucet handle. Indeed, this might be quite practical.

Summary of Ichiran’s Origin Store, the Nanokawa Store

Apart from the shop setting, there isn’t much difference from other Ichiran stores, and if you’re craving delicious ramen from the Ichiran chain, I recommend “Menya Waga,” which is only available in Fukuoka.

However, for Ichiran fans, this flagship Nanokawa store might be considered a pilgrimage site, and it’s certainly a good story to tell that “I visited the origin store of Ichiran.”

If you’re an Ichiran fan visiting Fukuoka, stopping by this site for a pilgrimage might be a great idea!

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